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On the occasion of HookahHub's Birthday, we are giving away iPhone 15 and 9 other valuable prizes 🎁

On the occasion of HookahHub's Birthday, we are giving away iPhone 15 and 9 other valuable prizes


2 - place a coupon for PLN 1,000  for purchase in our stores

3 - place coupon for PLN 500

4th place for PLN 300

5-10th place - coupon for PLN 100


  This is the first time in the history of Hookahhub that such an unreal giveaway is taking place and we invite you to participate!

  The winner will be selected based on a random draw by Radomizer during the live broadcast on November 25, 2023 at 8:00 p.m.


To receive a number, the participant must complete two steps:

Step no. 1 Order from PLN 100 and for each PLN 100 in the order + 1 number

Step #2 Add a post with the contest in your Instagram story


  It will also be possible to receive a BONUS NUMBER* for winning the daily quiz, which will take place during the competition on each distributor's Instagram

  *a bonus number can only be received by a participant who already has at least 1 main number.

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