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Alpha Hookah - Model X Houston (Polar Night)

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The iconic hookah with vertical blowing that changed the industry.

Compact, stylish and concise.
A wide color palette and customization options allow each customer to create a unique product for themselves.

Package contents:

Soft Touch silicone hose
Without Flask
Magnetic connector
Seal kit
Welcome-letter and sticker pack

Used material

All parts in contact with water (immersion tube, diffuser, hookah skeleton, connector under the bowl, spout on the mouthpiece) are made of high-quality stainless steel.

The mouthpiece and decorative cover are made of anodized aluminum, painted with powder paint. The saucer is made of stainless steel and is also covered with heat-resistant powder paint.

The base and connector material is German Polyacetal.


The internal diameter of the submersible shaft is 14 mm.

The internal diameter of the skeleton (the upper part of the hookah under the cover) is 13 mm.

The height of this model without the bulb is 42 cm.

Distinctive features:

More than 20 color options are available for the model X, which allows each customer to choose something special for themselves.

The removable diffuser allows you to adjust the draft: from dense classical to diffusor, lighter.

The original vertical blowing system: the smoke rises up the shaft, hits the saucer, enveloping it, and gradually dissipates. A real aesthetic pleasure!

High-class modern materials provide excellent taste, extremely comfortable Smoking and durability even with regular use.

Very compact, easy to transport model.

The hookah has a magnetic connector system, which creates additional convenience in use and eliminates the possibility of the hose flying out while Smoking.

Packaging as art. We believe that every detail is important, and a stylish box filled with meaning emphasizes the advantages of our product. You just don't want to let it go.

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