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Dead Horse - Grapefruit - rich sweet and sour taste of red grapefruit with a slight bitterness.
Dead Horse Tobacco is an Odessian brand that has been gaining the trust and love of Ukrainian hookah lovers since 2016. The novelty of the brand did not prevent it from becoming one of the most popular in the country in a short time. As a basis for mixtures, tobacco leaves of Virginia and Burley varieties, which belong to the premium class, are taken. The cultivation of raw materials takes place on the territory of Ukraine, which leads to a low price of craft mixtures. Thanks to the growing of this category of industry in Ukraine, you can enjoy the quality of products and adorable prices.
- bright taste transfer;
- a palette of flavors (more than 20 items)
- heat-resistant, taste is easily restored;
- thick smoke, smoked for a long time;
- Grind tobacco before smoking;
- Fluff with hands;
- Lay tobacco loosely, by way of air stuffing.