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Hookah bag Long Hoob

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Do you have a hookah and like to smoke it in good company outside the home? But its transportation has always been a problem... Now you can safely fold it and deliver it to any desired place safe and sound.

Bag for hookah Long Hoob - universal bag for carrying hookah. Adjustable shoulder straps allow you to carry the bag both on your shoulders and are comfortable to carry in one hand. The top lid with zippered handle makes it easy to put the hookah in and out of the bag. The central zipper allows you to stow your hookah accessories without removing the hookah itself.

Hoob Long Bag Hookah Bag Features:

  • Durable material;
  • Special system for fixing the hookah and the flask;
  • For hookahs up to 80 cm high;
  • Impact resistant sides.

Convenient bag for hiking, short trip, country vacation, camping.

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